Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Flight patches

So i was finally able to find Oregon State patches online. Since I'm allowed one custom patch on my flight suit I've decided to go with a beavers patch. It was either that or a Star Wars Rogue Squadron patch, which got too many questions and strange looks from people. Not that my loyalty to Star Wars is in question. I just like the OSU patch better.

Oddly enough the only place i could find this patch was from an EBAY post in BC. Canada. So now instead of learning Emergency Procedures, ill be spending my afternoon with a needle and thread sewing Velcro onto the back of this stupid thing.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Id'e rather be playing video games

So at the moment i'm quite bored and have nothing better than blogging to do. I have studying to do, but I get bored easily with that and find myself typing nonsense on my computer. I'm also armed with a glass of bourbon on a Monday night, which doesn't exactly help in the situation. Just to clarify this is not Andy Mew typing, I just like enjoy a gentlemens beverage after a long day of learning to bail out of an over engineered 50 year old aircraft. I blame the Crowe-types (i.e. the engineer types) for making my life difficult and complicating the shit out of my new airplane. It doesn't help that my knowledge in avionics and aircraft systems is bit lacking, but i still blame the engineers.

Another reason i'm making this post is because i keep getting bothered by certain female about not posting on this thing (although she hasn't said anything about it in a while). That and the inner Barney Stinson shines through and my thoughts must be heard for all to enjoy. From this point on I shall endeavor to post my creative thoughts more often to appease the precious few who actually still look at this thing. The word Blogitivity comes to mind, which is the newly invented word for "creative blogging", which actually sounds like it should be taught as a sophomore level writing course (I think i'll take creative blogging in the fall to fulfill a bac-core requirement)... I digress

My point is that i plan to post my thoughts more often because i occasionally have amusing anecdotes an odd hours that rarely ever come out into the open and quite often only get a slight snicker out of me when i think of them. So be prepared blog stalkers, because Papa Wookie's thoughts will be posted.